Margot Melzak

Margot is one of our longest serving member, having joined the Group in 1984 when the group was called Brighton Spinners! In fact, Margot says that when she joined, our club and the American Women’s Association were the only two women’s groups with a mission of helping ex-pat women integrate into Melbourne.

Margot co-ordinates some of our speciality art and garden tours to places we would ordinarily not visit such as Olinda and Cloud Hill. Were it not for Margot’s intimate knowledge of Melbourne and enthusiasm to share this knowledge, many of these places would remain hidden treasures for most of us.

Margot loves her charity work and is an active member of Save the Children, having started the Toorak branch. In fact, Margot was recently awarded the Order of Australia Medal (OAM) for her service to the community.

Margo says “The group has always been about connection and friendships and I’ve met so many wonderful woman that I’m grateful to have had in my life and made life-long friendships all around the world.  I am still in contact with some friends that have moved back abroad to their home towns and I’ve even visited some of them.”

Alla Grinstein

Alla is one of our newer members, having joined in 2019. She is originally from Russia but has lived in Italy, Chicago, Singapore and Israel and this is actually her 4th time living in Melbourne. Alla says “I never really thought about connecting to other women in a group until my travels took me to Israel, where I joined a group and I loved it so much I knew I had to find a Group I could feel at home in when I moved back to Melbourne, and I did.   After searching through the internet, I came across MWIC. Although I am new, I already feel supported. I am loving getting to know the ladies and I am enjoying having that wonderful connection with people like me”

Alla is she is a Professional musician and plays and teaches Cello. She has worked with different Orchestras around the world and is currently a Federal Examiner for the Australian Music Examination Board.